Artemis is married to Penny , has no children, and has a pet cat named Oitoi.
1 Dinosaur: Guji
6 White Chickens: Winana , Pellaboo , Frockler , GUMBLE , BROWNIE , Wugga
2 Brown Chickens: Surtono , Zuke
2 Ducks: Bhranlei , Duskur
1 Rabbit: Haunch
8 Pigs: Gwumbey , Wumbus , Junger , Tallaboo , Frupenal , Pisl , Boemgall , CHUBBIE
2 Goats: Snilbo , Philbus
3 White Cows: Fretsa , Skunlene , Zapdose
3 Brown Cows: Shoshle , Shinbalo , Fripurt
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