Zack is married to Penny , has a 105 day old daughter named Rose and a 24 day old son named Jack , and has a pet cat named Liz.
Farm horse: Elmo
2 Dinosaurs: Yuqi , Jennie
2 Ducks: Quackity , Smant
2 Rabbits: Bugs , Nayeon
1 Blue Chicken: Boga
1 Brown Chicken: Wilbur
1 White Chicken: Tommy
1 Void Chicken: Ludwig
2 Sheeps: Wooly , Angel
2 Pigs: Techno , Sir Oinksalot
4 Goats: Steph , Mono , Chayanne , Jschlatt
2 Brown Cows: Peter , Kafka
2 White Cows: Phil , Tallulah
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