Steff is married to Leah , has a 19 day old son named Hermes , and has a pet cat named Lucky.
Farm horse: Bili
6 Dinosaurs: Ruko , Cina , Prorte , Wo , Zo , Shusu
2 Sheeps: Potsa , Fotchie
14 Goats: Shussie , Basoo , Kepa , Cussie , Betso , Trilly , Nirtley , Nanicka , Frinu , Prella , Keppa , Prabo , Grickard , Shover
24 Pigs: Primley , Shocco , Frinnie , Setchers , Ginurt , Treni , Snoturt , Fisi , Gratcha , Mallley , Kinono , Tockicka , Beno , Jitsu , Gicku , Chinu , Procco , Cunie , Sune , Brullo , Checkonie , Bortu , Cilly , Trikoo
3 Ducks: Teresinha , Chinono , Chullo
5 Brown Chickens: Fepa , Guilherme , Shilly , Thais , Shomi
3 White Chickens: Cupo , Vitória , Chuba
1 Rabbit: Snaso
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