Yasmin is married to Abigail , has a 221 day old son named Leon and a 117 day old daughter named Claire , and has a pet cat named Keka.
Farm horse: Epona
7 : Wotsabella , Sutche , Lona , Waters , Zipabella , Chinnie , Prika
2 Ducks: Donald , Marreco
2 White Chickens: Brenda , Giselle
3 Rabbits: Pedro , Jessica , Velhinho
1 Void Chicken: Brenda
2 Dinosaurs: Charizard , Bulba
2 Brown Cows: Waters , Mimosa
5 Pigs: Zitos , Waters , Baby , Bacon , Waters
3 Goats: Marisa , Marilda , Neide
1 Sheep: Brenda
6 : Dodrio , Brenda , Pernoca , Setch , Doduo , Chokobo
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